Product Description
Features Include:
- 3 CMOS line scan camera with Camera Link output
- Dichroic RGB beam splitter prism with 3 sensors
- 3 sensors with 4096 pixels, 7 μm x 7 μm
- Low-noise operation (S/N: 55 dB) providing superior image quality
- 28.672 mm sensor scan width
- 3 x 8 bits or 3 x 10 bits output through Camera Link interface
- Line rate up to 16180 lines per second at 80 MHz pixel clock
- One-push auto white balance
- Flat field correction and color shading correction
- Knee and binning functions for extended dynamic range and sensivity
- Sub-sampling and windowing readout
- Set-up and installation aid with built-in test generator
- Available with M52 mount (standard) or Nikon F-mount
- Short ASCII commands for set-up via RS 232C or Camera Link
- Setup by Windows XP software