Chromasens 3DPIXA stereo line scan camera is a unique combination of line scan technology with fast stereo algorithms running on GPU. The 3DPIXA camera enables new 3D inspection and measuring applications requiring high resolutions.
The Chromasens allPIXA is an outstanding fast tri-linear CCD color line scan camera. It combines the outstanding image quality of CCD sensors with extremely high line rates. Achieving a variety in line lengths up to 3 x 7300 pixel and a maximum speed of a previously unattainable 110kHz results in maximum flexibility for your most demanding applications. In addition, the tri-linear CCD technology produces outstanding color fidelity for the best image quality.
The Dual 10 GigE interface allows for fast RGB color scanning with line rates up to 48 kHz for the 10K, and up to 33 kHz for the 15K sensor. Featured with line and frame trigger options, variable encoder input and color conversion possibilities the allPIXA evo is the best choice for all high speed and high resolution web and print inspection applications.
Chromasens has developed the world’s fastest tri-linear CCD color line scan camera combining of the outstanding image quality of CCD sensors with extremely high line rates. The variety inline lengths up to 3 x 7300 px, and a maximum speed of a previously unattainable 156 kHz, provides a maximum in flexibility for virtually any application.
The allPIXA SWIR is the first short-wave infrared (SWIR) linescan camera in Chromasens’ allPIXA family. The state-of-the-art InGaAs sensor in a compact footprint allows its integration for multiple machine vision applications.
Introducing the world’s first quad-linear true color RGB line scan sensor in ultra high resolution with up to 15360 pixels: the Chromasens 10k and 15k allPIXA wave cameras. Both deliver CCD image quality with CMOS performance, plus offer added system flexibility of increased scan line lengths up to 15k x 4 lines, along with line frequencies topping out at a maximum speed of 47.72 kHz at 850 megapixel/s.
The new Chromasens chromaPIXA line scan camera enables stable inline color measurement in a wide variety of extended color spaces, greatly simplifying downstream color processing. The chromaPIXA’s output in LAB format allows for the determination of color differences in respect to the perception of the human eye. The chromaPIXA is calibrated by using the new, fast, and intuitive chromaCalc software and is compatible with all standard color charts.
Diffuse brightfield illuminations are available in different forms in the market. Matching the light color for the white LED together with the darkfield module of the Corona family results in high color fidelity in the combined application.
CORONA II LED lighting modules feature powerful brightness up to 3.500.000 lux and deliver outstanding homogeneity via a patented reflector design that perfectly shapes light, eliminating chromatic aberrations for unprecedented performance and better inspection results.
The tube light version of the Corona II offers the most powerful light source for line scan applications with diffuse lighting conditions, for example, when inspecting metallic objects with highly reflective or glossy surfaces.
Add a new dimension to multispectral imaging with the truePIXA camera. It offers a combination of high speed and spectral color measurement for each pixel to permit color measurement on two-dimensional objects, especially for print inspection. It captures the spectral footprint of images in full size and applies to on- and off-line imaging.